Organic Marketing Strategies

Jeremy Tristan • 2022-06-15

We're going to go into full detail about how we scaled FITZ from 0 users to over 750 ACTIVE users in just over 2 months. Mostly organically.

A little context

What is FITZ?

FITZ is a mobile app that allows users to digitize their wardrobe and plan outfits in advance. It was one of the projects that I had been working on for the past one and a half years.

Our journey began in March 2021. I created our website, developed the mobile app, and set up all the marketing campaigns. Every single time I launched a new marketing campaign, I learned something new.

There was one thing that stood out the most to me..

Which was, organic traffic.

Most leads were organic

As the famous saying goes, are you really a marketer if you can't generate leads through organic traffic? These weren't just any leads, they were quality leads.

The thing about organic campaigns is that the campaign will be there indefinitely. You could even be getting leads 2, or 3 years down the line. Let's talk about some positives, as well as negatives of organic campaigns.

Pros of organic campaigns

  • Completely free of charge
  • Posts will be there forever
  • It allows you to engage with your audience firsthand
  • No real repercussions apart from your time wasted

Cons of organic campaigns

  • Campaign success is driven by how consistent you are with posting
  • Time-consuming

In about 2 months, we generated over 750 user signups, 2000 items uploaded, and 300 outfits created. And I'm about to reveal the exact marketing plan that I used.

The marketing plan

I used Reddit. Yep, Reddit. It's seriously such an underutilized audience outreach platform, let me tell you why.

Your entire target audience is nestled within that community subreddit.

I used this exact ad copy on 10 subreddits affiliated with fashion because it was the closest niche to FITZ.

The post comprised of a short description of the product and a call to action. I crafted the copy with more of an informal tone to relate to the target audience, which in this case were 16 to 30-year-olds. Here comes the fun part, let's talk numbers.

The number of users totaling the 10 subreddits was 7,935,384.

Let's be conservative and say at least 1% of users in those 10 subreddits say my post, that comes to a total of 80,000 users.

Since 750 users signed up and downloaded the app, we're going to say 0.9% of the almost 8 million users converted successfully.

Could I have gotten much better results? Yeah, sure.

Are these results by any means, bad? Not at all.

Going from 0 to 750 users with no marketing cost was a great achievement. It validated my idea and showed me that there was indeed a market for outfit planning apps.

That's why I advise all startups NOT to pay for marketing in the initial stages. There's no better way to validate your product than organic marketing.

To end this off, I just want to say that organic marketing is like watering a plant. You have to consistently put in the effort.

When you stop watering the plant, it will wilt and die.

Thanks for reading, and happy marketing!

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